Applied Anatomy
Applied Anatomy
In Dr. Marion Clark’s Applied Anatomy, the Editor, John Wernham, writes: “Clark’s Applied Anatomy was well known to the former generations of osteopaths for whom it was a standard text. Written by an osteopath for osteopaths it highlights those aspects of the human anatomy that are of greater importance in our clinical practice.
First published in 1906, the book, now more than 100 years old, was quite unknown to British osteopaths. Therefore it was considered that the time had come to repair this omission in our teaching programme and prepare a new edition of this most valuable work and was first published in 1986 by the Maidstone College of Osteopathy. This is now exhausted and a third edition is hereby published.
The third edition, as was its predecessor, is dedicated to all those early pioneers who have laboured in the establishment of Osteopathy and who built the foundations upon which our present development is sustained.”
In the Preface to Applied Anatomy, Dr. Marion Edward Clark opens with the comment “Realizing the close relation existing between anatomy and osteopathic therapeutics, that the science is built on anatomical and physiological knowed, I in 1901 outlined a course in a subject that I chose to call “Applied Anatomy”. This book is the outgrowth of that attempt to anatomically explain the signs, cause and treatment of disease.”
In the Introduction of Applied Anatomy Dr. Marion Edward Clark writes that “Disease, in the average case, is due to disturbance of structure. Even in cases of disease resulting from abuse, there is often found some structural change. In all diseases, whether from abuse or other causes, there are to be found structural changes, peculiar to the disease. These structural changes, are in a general way, called lesions. Lesions, therefore, may be muscular, ligamentous or bony.”
To read more of “Applied Anatomy” you can purchase a copy from the JWCCO Bookshop for £40 here: